Sunday, July 4, 2010

Sioux Narrows, ON July 4, 2010

Yesterday, we bid Lake Superior goodbye and set sail for The Sunset Country. We arrived in Sioux Narrows which is sort of kind of next to Nestor Falls, ON. When we blew through here several years ago and decided to return and spend some time. Well, here we are. We got in last night and just had time to set up the motorhome when the rain started. Then the power went out. The storm brought thunder and lighting that made The Puppies shiver and quake each time the thunder boomed. Monty put on his combat helmet from Nam and ducked into his bomb shelter or at what you would call the dining room table. He was not a happy puppy. The rain came down at a rate of about 2-3 inches per hour which is a sizable storm. There was a small river running under The Love Boat until about midnight or later. Good times Yall.

Since the power was off and we needed some drinking water, we decided to go into Sioux Narrows. Sioux Narrows is a wide spot in the road with a few businesses, one of which was the trading post or what is better described as fleecing post. A gallon of water was $3.59 plus tax of course we stocked up at that price. The water in the campground has a sign that says to boil your water for one minute before consuming. My impression was, oh goody, nasty water. Yummy. So we bought two gallons of water and liked it. Oh baby did we like it. So we left and went to the Sioux Narrows Provincial Park on our way back to The Love Boat. We pulled up to the entrance and Deb walked up to building and came back and stated there was a sign on the door that said the office was closed. So, we decided to go in and check the campsites out for the return trip in two weeks. We pulled through the gate and a car sort of tries to ram us head on and a woman sticks here arm out of the window and asks us if she could help us. I thought about it a second and decided that she needed to go into town and whoop somebody's butt over charging us $3.59 for a gallon of water. But she didn't look very useful for that type of thing, so I told her we wanted to check out the campsites for a return trip. Then the fun started. She stated that it was not a good night for viewing the park as she was "getting the campers settled down after the park caught the tailend of a tornado". We are in the sticks and we had not checked the weather that day due to the lack of any electromagnetic waves of any sorts here. No TV, no satellite (due to the storm), and no local radio. It turns out the the "tailend of the tornado" was only a storm and the tornado occurred more that 500 miles from here. The Car Ramming Woman was all flustered about nothing. Car Ramming Woman would blow a head gasket should she come down to North Carolina where tornadoes and hurricanes are irregular bedfellows. She would be running around acting up so much that Monty would have to tell her to shut up. I can just hear Monty telling her, "Buck up woman. Put this helmet on and jump into your foxhole. You're yapper is giving away our position. Haven't you ever been in a storm before?"

We got up this morning and stepped out The Love Boat into our campsite which overlooks this huge lake. This campsite is very pretty, squishy but pretty. We heard the cry of what Deb said was a loon. It sounded more like somebody repeated sitting on a chicken but what do I know. This area is renowned for its fishing and hunting. While driving in yesterday, the GPS should as much lake space as land. This really is a beautiful place when you're not having to back stroke through the campsite.

A couple days ago in Thunder Bay, we went to a local RV dealer for a part for The Love Boat. When we walked in the guy at the counter asked us how we were, "...fairing this blistering heat?" What he was referring to was the day time temperature of 82 degrees. Good Lord, at home we see 82 degrees in the winter. Blistering Hot Boy's head would be spinning around like a Tilt-Whirl if spent time in NC during the summer. The weather forecast in Raleigh was calling for a cool streak of 85 degrees over the weekend as high ninety degree days were the norm when we left. Geez Louise.

I'll try to update more later today.

1 comment:

  1. H A P P Y
    J U L Y
    4 T H ! ! !

    After the rained cleared, the day turned out great. We are in a camp site on the shore of a lake near Sioux Narrows.

    The terrific sunset was far preferable to fireworks - the dogs agree.

    Only 2 more sleeps and we'll be in Naicam.
