Monday, November 28, 2011

Tonopah, AZ Givermint RV Park and Bohunkville, Nov 28, 2011

Dude, don't even ask me where we are because I ain't sure. Let's just say you go to Phoenix and go westbound until your patience for driving is 99% gone and here you are--Tonopah, AZ.  Driving through "town" took about 5 microseconds and was more like a big truckstop than a town. But the RV park is first rate. Deb said it was built by the givermint and was used for housing of workers constructing a nuke plant or somesuch. The givermint sold it to these guys and so we have a nice RV park in the middle of Godawfulville right down the road from Armpit, AZ. Dude. Please allow me to thank you all for your tax dollars in making my stay in Godawfulville a nice one.

While driving today, we decided that The Puppies needed to use the little puppies' room. I found an exit off the interstate and sailed The Love Boat into a port in the storm. The building at the exit was a "convenience" store with what looked to be tractor trailer truck parking.  So, I sailed The Love Boat into troubled waters thinking that any place a tractor trailer truck can go so can I. After turning in,  I immediately noticed that the truck parking was  back in only truck parking which is fine for tractor trailers but not for a motorhome pulling a car  and there was no way to turn around. Motorhomes towing cars can't back up due to the towbar. Yep, this situation was not good. I pulled the motorhome into a space nose first and got out and surveyed the situation. I guess motorhomes don't stop in Bohunkville Grocery very often because we were a spectacle. I walked around and found a field nearby that was large enough to turn around in. So, Deb and I used Emergency Love Boat Measure Number 1 which means she gets into The Crapper (which remains connected to the motorhome) and steers The Crapper while I push it backwards with the motorhome. This action was today's entertainment for Bohunkville Grocery as the town's population came outside to watch. Yes there were 10 people with 20 legs and 15 total teeth watching Deb ride in The Crapper. The operation took a few minutes, but The Love Boat pushed back enough to allow me to point it into the field and turn it around. After we got it turned around, I thought seriously about going outside and dropping my drawers and showing them my backside but that might have resulted in banjos, canoes, pig squealing, and unpleasantness.  So I didn't, but I wanted to.

That's it for today. Tomorrow is Palm Springs, CA and our stopping point for a month. See you tomorrow.

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