Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Nashville, Godzilla, Camo clothing, and Rumble Strips Nov 23, 2011

Hello from Nashville, TN.  We arrived in Nashville around 4pm. It was a challenge sharing the road with so  many lovely and kind people heading to Grandma's house. I noticed something today. Why is it that every car in Tennessee is missing wheelcovers? Is someone stealing them or is it a fashion statement?  I thought about a slogan today for Tennessee. Do you remember the slogan,  "Gee no GTE"? Right? Well, for Tennessee the jingle becomes "Oh Geez no Tennessee".  The roads today were full of scary looking camo clothed people with scary looking camoed little varmints riding in the backseat. If Godzilla and Megalon conceived a "love child" it would reside in Tennessee. I  half expected some of the children in some of these cars to turn to me and say, "GAAAAAAKKKKKKK"  and shoot fire and a deathray from their  camoed mouths at The Loveboat.  The interstates had big, electronic signs over the roads with this saying,  "Buckle up, it's the law".  Well that is plain stupid. Godzilla and Megalon know how to buckle their stupid seatbelts. Why don't they put something useful on that stupid electronic board like, "Brush your dern teeth Idjit" or "Quit siring varmints with your cousins". Am I the only person that sees this.

Monty is having trouble again with The Loveboat rolling over rumble strips along the edge of the road. You know the tires make a, "Brrrrrttttppppptttp" sound when you stray off the tarmac. Every time I drifted a little onto those strips and the tires made the "Brrrppptttttp" sound, Monty (1/2 of The Puppies) would lose his mind and jump into Deb's lap. I think he is having flash backs from Nam or somesuch.  Brrrrttttpp, "Incoming 155 Horwitzers jump into the foxholes boys." Only Deb was the foxhole. 

That is all for today. I am tired and will elaborate more tomorrow.  We should be in Texas somewhere tomorrow.

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