Saturday, January 7, 2012

LB2, Painting, Rabbits--Palm Springs, CA Jan 07, 2012

The motorhome will not be ready until Monday or Tuesday (Jan 9-10, 2012). The body painting is taking longer than the dealer anticipated. Deb is pacing back and forth with the same demeanor and swagger as Captain Bligh after hearing of a mutiny.  Life inside The Love Boat isn't all peaches and cream right now.

Speaking of painting, we are having a unicorn spray painted onto the rear of the motorhome just like every other redneck especially those from the South.  I thought about maybe having something with a Lynyrd Skynyrd motif, but a unicorn seemed much more appropriate. You know why I picked a unicorn, right? Because a unicorn is a useful, mystical creature that is elusive and supposedly brings happiness to people--kind of like a democrat; however, I couldn't bear to put a picture of BO on LB2 (still haven't got  a new name for the new motorhome).  Also,  I'm having a bunch of NASCAR numbers put on the side just in case we want to take it to a race. I know little or nothing about NASCAR, but a guy really can't be too careful about such matters. I couldn't decide which numbers I wanted to paint on, so I used my Big Ole Southern Boy mind and picked the numbers 00, 50,  and 12. I really like those numbers, 00 represents the number of clues democrats have, 50 represents the number of years required to pay off BO's stimulus package, and 12 represents the number of teeth on the people at the front row of the 2012 Democratic National Convention.  You might call the new motorhome The Big Ole Southern Boy's Redneck Mobile Trailer.  Wee haw.

The weather here has been hot, and I do mean hot. The daytime temperatures have been in the 80's with 40-50's. at night.  The Puppies don't seem to mind the heat so much which is rather strange. We started the air conditioning in The Love Boat yesterday. I know what you guys in the cold areas are saying right now, you're whining about how cold it is there. Well shut up. You tuned into this blog to hear me whine about stuff and the background noise from you folks is deafening.  Where was I, I remember now. I got sunburned twice this week even with 30 SPF sunscreen. I was working outside on my in-law's house, and the sun got to me. The desert is dry too. A few days this week I looked like a Big Ole Dumb Southern Prune after working outside in the sun all day. Please keep the cold weather whining to a minimum please.  I drink about 10 gallons of fluids each day and still want more due to the heat. Alright, you cold weather people are getting on my nerves, please quit complaining about how you are freezing your big ole hairy butts off. Geez.  I'm going to change the subject now, so please quit whining.  But before I do I would like to say this to you cold weather folks, that cold feeling that you are experiencing will continue for quite a while, and it is so hot here.  I tried to make a democrat joke out of this but decided to hold off because you cold weather folks are freezing your butts off, and because I'm not it would seem too cruel.

Monty who is  part of the puppy duo, The Puppies,  has been in rabbit heaven the last couple of weeks. We walk each day around the perimeter of the park and dozens of rabbits come out at night along the golf course which resides behind the park.   Monty loves to "chase" the rabbits even though he is on a leash. What is amazing is the number of rabbits that will congregate together at one time. I'll bet we have seen 20 rabbits huddling together in open. If you walk another 100 yards you will see a several more. I'll bet we see 40 or more rabbits each night. We have only seen one coyote on one occasion. You would expect with that many rabbits there would be more predators but that doesn't seem to be the case.  The rabbits seem to have free roam of the area or at least for the most part. Now you know there is a democrat joke coming don't you? You know dern good and well that I set this paragraph up to make a democrat joke, didn't you. Well you're wrong. I am not going to parallel the subject of free ranging, plentiful rabbits to those idiots in Washington.  I would never parallel how something so innocent looking as rabbits could be a problem to Washington. Nope, never, except in the following children's poem.

Little bunny Foo Foo (democrats)
Hopping through the forest (Washington)
Scooping up the field mice (American people)
And bopping them on the head
Down came the Good Fairy (common sense), and she said:
"Little Bunny Foo Foo
I don't wanna see you
Scooping up the field mice
And bopping them on the head!
I will give you three chances (stimulus package, Cash for Clunkers, health care reform)
Then POOF you're a Goon (spelled gone). 
Well. that is about enough democrat bashing for today. Yall have a good day. We will be leaving Palm Springs in a few days headed home--hopefully with the new motorhome.  Captain Bligh will insure that fact.

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