Thursday, December 10, 2009

Thursday, Dec 10, 2009 Palm Springs

I stopped at Walgreens today for something. So I went inside and faced this shelf in the back of the store looking for whatever it was I went in there for. There was a short woman about five feet to my left who was searching the shelf for something as well. All of a sudden this woman spins around with her back to the shelf facing me. Then she puts the elbow part of her arm covering the lower part of her face making an upside down V with her arm. She very slowly inched between me and the shelf while covering the lower part of her face. This went on for several seconds before I asked her who she was pretending to be? Zorro or Dracula? From behind the elbow, Zorhole whispers that she didn't want to sneeze on me. So, I asked Zorhole why in the world was she squeezing herself between me and the shelf and not going the other way. She didn't answer me but scurried off down the Christmas decorations aisle. I thought Walgreens kept out stupid people. Well I can tell you they don't.

I guess Deb calling the Whiner Hotline worked. The business that was making all of that noise behind our motorhome at 4am was quiet this morning. I guess the police (Pole Lease) went over there and pistol whipped them or something. I didn't hear any screams of pain coming from there, so I guess the cops pistol whipped them inside the building or something. Guido and the boys didn't pays us a visit or anything. My universe is better today. Surf's up dude.

There is a street here called Ramon Road. I love that name. I wish we had a Ramon Road in Raleigh. It sound especially cool when you say it with a Southern accent (Raaaa Moannnn). Of course at home they would pronounce it Raymon. Here is has a latin sound to it. I would love to live on Ramon Road, Raleigh. It sounds poetic doesn't it? Maybe I will bring the matter up with the powers to be when I get home.

I noticed a huge billboard yesterday advertising a bail bond business. There is nothing unusual about that. Right? This one had a nice spin on it. The person on the billboard was a young boy, and the text below it said, "I never go anywhere else". I'm sure this was an attempt for the bail bondsman to honor his son by putting his picture on the billboard. However, my initial thought was the child was a criminal that needed bailing out of jail on a regular basis. Now that is an unusual way to make your son famous. There should be a test that stupid people have to take before they are allowed to put up billboards or go in Walgreens. I must admit that stupid people are entertaining. I wonder if Zorhole was Bail Bond Boy's mother? It is beginning to make sense to me now.

Have a great day.

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