I forgot to talk about the RV Park that we are staying in. The R in RV park is supposed to be an abbreviation of the word recreational. All but one of the other campers in this RV park are more wreckreational. This is a mobilehome park for wayward trailers. There ain't any cars up on jacks or dogs tied up to refrigerators with logging chains, but give them time and they will. I keep waiting on Nashville's Mullet Head Queen to pull up in her Vega. If she does, we have her over for Buds and grill some Vienna Sausages we bought at "The Walmart".
The little community where we are staying is not in Sedona, but is about fifteen minutes away. While PT Crappering another community near ours, Deb saw a store that caught her eye. Deb has wanted to get the puppies a bath for a couple weeks which the puppies want no part of. Anyway, Deb saw this dog grooming place and started laughing. It was called Doggie Style Dog Groomers which too funny. The puppies find nothing funny about dog grooming. Getting a bath upsets their chakra.
Rock crystals are quite popular here. Stores selling crystals are everywhere. I really don't care to understand the significance between the crystals and the vorticies. But, I kind of like the idea of positive energy being transferred via the crystals. So, I plan to buy a few crystals for The Love Boat's dashboard. I figure that if I glue them next to the miniature, plastic Madona and Jesus (remember it is pronounced Hey not Je), I will be pretty much set. I'm not sure what "pretty much set" means but if I dwell on it, I will channel in negative energy and my chakra will upchuckra. I simply can't have that occur. I think my dashboard display will be the envy of our trailerpark.
We had a hefeweizen in a local brewery last night that was amazingly good. It has to be the best hefeweizen I have had since my days in Germany. The brewery is called Oak Creek. The hefeweizen won a gold medal in 2003 at the World Beer Festival. Now that is a worthy credential. I plan on whining to the brewmaster to see if he will give me his recipe. If you are out this way try the hefeweizen at the brewery/restaurant.
That is all for the moment. We have not ventured out for the day yet. I'll update this later in the day.
Today was a freeze your butt off morning, followed by a wish I had on shorts day. In the evening it got cold again. I wish it would make up its mind.
Deb had to work today so she had to hang around the motorhome. However, I took The Crapper and went to Montezuma Castle National Park. It has a dwelling that is built into the rock face of the mountain. It is said to be 1000 years old. The folks that lived there sort of disappeared without any records. The experts theorize that the reason they vacated could have been famine from overcrowding, disease, or a few other ugly things. I personally think the problem was that the hippies moved in due to the vorticies in Sedona. The pueblo Indians thought they smelled like buffalo poo and moved to Phoenix. Last man out please shutoff the lights.
We took the puppies to Montezuma Well today. I guess when the place becomes a national park the apostrophe for possessiveness goes away. I didn't learn that in college. I won't give you inaccurate details, but this thing is huge. It is a mini Grand Canyon fed from underground springs to which the water ultimately becomes a river through a hole somewhere. The path around showed dwellings that the pueblos lived in. Of course the pueblo dwellings were just down the path from the pueblo real estate agent's cave dwelling. I would have charged two goats and a chicken a month for prime property like that. The puppies enjoyed the walk around this thing but couldn't find anything to pee on that didn't have thorns (except the park service's signs).
Our schedule has changed again. Deb's work schedule and the lack of wireless internet connection warrants a late start tomorrow. We will stay somewhere along the way and finish the journey to Palm Springs on Friday.View Blog
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