The local newspaper interviewed and frontpaged an article about four men that survived Pearl Harbor. These guys are heros and all about ninety years old. I'm amazed they could remember anything about it. One commonality that I gathered from each interview was that they said the fighter planes that strafed the area, after the bombing runs, all had smiling gunners in the rear. The pilot would fly the plane and the rear-facing gunner would shoot at them while grinning the entire time. Now how in the world could they see a smiling gunner in an aircraft traveling at 100+ mph? The rear shooting gunners would have been a hit at the doggie park yesterday.
Palm Springs got rain yesterday for the first time since June 2008. It rained too baby. I've spent lots of time in the desert in my life both personal and military time. When it rains in the desert you find high ground rather quickly even if you are in the city. There is a dry river bed, commonly called a wash, 200 yards from our trailerpark that became a river after the storm. Now this wash is about 100 yards wide and 15 yards deep and runs through the town. The ground doesn't absorb water like clay soils and neither does the asphalt; so, the water ends up in the wash. Maybe that is where the saying comes from, "It all comes out in the wash"?
We started to walk the puppies to the wash but I couldn't get the logging chain disconnected from the old refrigerator outside. We've thought about trading the puppies in on pitbulls , but we have gotten attached to them. We could have taken The Crapper but it's up on cement blocks next to the refrigerator. When the check comes in on the first, we are going to get tars put on it down at The Walmart. Deb bought me a sleeveless half-shirt yesterday along with a pair of Daisy Dukes for herself. That woman knows fashion.
I am beginning to think we are living next door to a vampire except vampires come out at night and this person(s) only comes out during the daytime. Sort of like a daytime vampire. This person's motorhome is nice and a nice car is parked out front--sometimes. The car is gone at times and there at others. The curtains in the front of the motorhome are closed at times and open others. Somebody or something is occupying that motorhome, but we just haven't seen it, him, or them. Now that is a good neighbor. Speaking of neighbors, I'm told Fancypants has left the trailerpark for two weeks. I don't know where he went, but I am told he is gone. I was wondering today if he might have left his permanent residence here, Casa Móvil Fancypants, and sashayed himself over to Quartzsite to vacation. I think that he may want to see how the other half lives. It makes perfect sense to me. Wait unti he gets back and sees my new tars. He will be super jealous.
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