We are doing advanced planning for our trip home. The start date is a few days after Christmas. We planned the route as far south as we can get without actually being in Mexico. The reason is to avoid snow. The snow that fell in NC was the same storm that hit us in Santa Fe days earlier. Now think about driving a 12 ft wide and high, 33 ft long vehicle through that snow. Santa has to travel in that mess, we don't.
We took the puppies to the doggie park today. There were no celebrities running committing poop de grace that I could tell. When we cut Riley loose from his leash he immediately ran around and smelled the butt of every dog in the park. Had I done the same with the humans, all I would have smelled would have been Vaseline. Riley didn't care for the other dogs getting behind him. Each time a male dog would get behind him he would sit down. Riley is no dummy. Riley had a great idea, so when the male owners would run around behind me I would sit down too. I'll have to plan our next visit to the doggie park on heterosexual day.
There are lots of celebrities in the Coachella Valley. Palm Springs is only a portion of the valley. On the front page of the local newspaper today there was a picture of Suzanne Summers harvesting vegetables from her garden in back of her house. She had a basket and was picking greens in a low-cut prom dress. When I was growing up my mother always wanted me to wear a tuxedo to weed our garden. I thought that was pretentious, so I would wear a suit and bow tie. At that time in my life it probably would have been a baby blue, polyester suit but a suit nonetheless. I got the idea from Oliver Wendell Douglas on Green Acres. What was I talking about? Oh yes, Suzanne and her prom dress. My inside source to the rich and pretentious told me that Suzanne Summers had put up her house for sale. It is listed at $65 million. Had I grown up in a $65 million house with a backyard garden, I know my mother would have insisted that I weed the garden in a tuxedo. Yuck.
Many of you know that I like Christmas lights. I have a large Christmas light display that is synchronized to music just not this year. I know what you are thinking. Go ahead. Get it out of your system so we can go on. Come on. No, it not like The Griswalds in the movie Christmas Vacation. Geez, yall need to get out more. Very near to our trailerpark is a guy that is nationally famous for being a nut that likes Christmas lights. Here is an article about him. You might have to copy it and paste it into a browser.
We plan to visit Chez Nutcase tomorrow tonight. That will be fun to talk about.
Today was a slow day. We needed a quiet day. So, I will try to pick up the pace tomorrow.
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