Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thought for the day--Raleigh, NC Nov 21, 2011

We had Chinese food for dinner tonight, and my fortune cookie said, "He who seeks finds."  That saying bounced around inside the hollow shell of my head and emerged as "He who seeks finds but he who uses a stud finder seeks less".  This has been your thought for the day.

Well, we are not on the road yet. Deb and I got simultaneous viruses that left us laying flat for a few days. After the bed phase, the yucky stage set in and so here we are.  Needless to say, even though I'm going to anyway, we got behind in our work and are still in Raleigh.  We will likely leave mañana or miércoles.

In case you didn't notice that was Spanish in the last sentence. Yours truly is taking Spanish lessons and doing fair at it. Spanish is a little easier to understand than Yankee.  I really have no desire to learn Yankee unlike Spanish.  The reason that I am learning Spanish is to be able to survive on my own for five weeks  in 2013 as I walk the Camino de Santiago in Spain.  I know what you're thinking, "Why is a big ole dumb Southern boy going to walk 500 miles in northern Spain."  Here is where you try to guess what I'm thinking. Go ahead, guess. I am concentrating really hard.  I just read your mind, "He has lost his mind?" No that is not the case, I never had a mind to lose.  I plan to tell you pieces of the reason over the next two months. Quit whining, I'll get to it later.

Speaking of later, I've been working on The Love Boat (our motorhome) over the last couple weeks, and it is sparkling and ready to go. We have tried diligently to buy The Diesel Love Boat but have not been able to do so. The Love Boat has a gas engine and a diesel engine would allow us (read Deb) to carry more useful item (junk) easier across the country.   Actually, I want a diesel to make driving easier in mountainous terrain. The Love Boat slows down fairly slow in steep hill climbs. I've dreamed about a  motorhome that can climb mountains as fast as John Edwards can climb skanks. We had about as much success finding a motorhome as John Edwards has had trying to convince us that he didn't use campaign funds trying to hide his skank mistress.  Deb and I will eventually find a motorhome, but John Edwards is destined  to join Martha Stewart's bunkmates in Club Lockdown soon.  I really enjoyed the parallel in this paragraph almost as much as I have enjoyed telling idiots that voted for BO that BO's fiefdom will soon end.

We plan to leave mañana (I'm teasing you here) but will likely leave Wednesday (miércoles) morning. Hasta luego amigos.

Al, Deb, and The Puppies (Los Perritos)

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