So after docking The Love Boat, Deb, The Puppies, and The Big Ole Dumb Southern Boy went for a walk down the road which amounted to nothing more than a busy road with houses with country dogs running around the yards off leash. The Puppies learned quickly that country dogs aren't like city dogs in that the country dogs bark then actually want to bite something. City dogs do a lot of barking but no biting because it is fun or something. Anyway, the country dogs would bark and then haul their country dog butt down within biting distance of The Puppies. That didn't go over well with The Puppies and likely will give them nightmares. But they had fun, and they got to pee on lots of stuff in Arkansas which I later helped them do after I found something out.
Remember I said Clinton grew up just south of Benton? Deb wanted to go see the rock that Clinton was hatched under, but I would rather go lose half my brain and join those Occupy nitwits in downtown Raleigh--my big ole hairy butt. With Clinton's birthplace so close, and with the evidence on newspaper box that I photographed during our walk, I think that I am in the democrat's lair. You decide for yourself:
I knew it. Now I'm going to have The Love Boat and The Puppies powerwashed because I am sure that libbrrrrllll got all over them. Just to be sure that is wasn't a pratical joke or something, I immediately bought two copies of this newspaper that I refused to read. One copy of the newspaper is for the dogs to poop on and the other to use to cover it up. Who ever came up with the name for that newspaper wasn't thinking. Most democrats that I know can't read and the ones that can are moving their lips as they read this.
By now you libbrrrrllls that read this blog (please quit moving your lips) pretty much have your panties all bunched up. I promise to lighten up on libbbrrrllllls really soon, but what do you expect with me surrounded by this stuff. I predict the entry for tomorrow will be different as we will be in Texas somewhere and Texas is not know for libbrrrrlls. Bye for now.
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