The weather in Naicam, SK has been nice. The days are usually low 70s and low 60s at night. There has been a lot or rain here. This area is primarily farming and the crops are in trouble due to an overabundance of rain. But I've heard about the temperatures in Raleigh being so horrible. I saw a news report that said Toronto was having an awful time with the heat. Their temperatures were 10-12 degrees less than Raleigh's which was causing their heads to explode. Thousands upon thousands of Torono folks heads exploded. If they understood AC they would still have their heads but that is not the case. Oh well, in Raleigh we are used to the heat and sort of expect it. I don't miss the heat, but I do miss my bed.
The puppies are doing great. They have been to Grandma's house before. When we got here, the puppies remembered Grandma's house and were happy to be out of the motorhome. Grandma's house has lots of places for them to explore. The Love Boat is moored in the backyard of Deb's parent's house. They like going between The Love Boat and the house. This is puppy heaven--no heat and lots of attention.
We went to Dairy Queen yesterday during a trip to the town 35 miles from Naicam. Deb wanted to go to Dairy Queen. Good lord. I said fine and pulled in the parking lot and refused to go through the drive-thru. I saw no need to perform for the locals like I had to in Neepawa. So we went inside. Deb's Dad sat at a table and Deb and I went to the counter. Of course there were kids manning the store. So, we went up to one of the kids and order. I told the girl I wanted chocolate ice cream. The kid looks at me and said, "We can't serve chocolate. It is only allowed in aardvarks". I looked at Deb and she didn't understand the kid either and asked her to repeat herself. Again the kid said you could only get chocolate in aardvarks. Deb said she understood the kid the second time. There are several cultural differences between Raleigh and Canada. However, I know the only aardvarks in Canada are in zoos. No, there are no aardvark crossing signs like you find with moose. The puppies might like to play with an aardvark but there aren't any here even though you can only get chocolate in aardvarks at Dairy Queen. So, I just whistled and walked away. I've learned not to ask questions. But low and behold, Deb brought up the subject while we were eating the synthetic, vanilla iced product that Dairy Queen dispenses. Deb said she had a hard time understanding the kid at the counter and that the kid said you could only get chocolate in arcades. Now that is an outright fib. The kid said you could only get chocolate in aardvarks. I heard the kid say it two times. Deb likes to fabricate stuff.
The trip up here has been tough on The Love Boat. We had several things fail. Most of the failures I can attribute to rough roads. Ohio, Michigan, Ontario .... were especially rough and bumpy. We went to California in November and returned in January and had zero failures. Nada. The vibration of the rough roads has taken it toll on The Love Boat. I had to have parts flown into Raleigh that Walter is bringing up next week, because I can't get them locally. Which brings me to the next subject.
You may remember Walter from the trip home from California in January. Walter flew to Texas and Deb flew home, because Deb needed to go to work before we could get home. Walter loves this stuff so much he is flying into Regina, SK on Tuesday. Deb is staying here until the end of July, and Walter and I are bringing the motorhome back to Raleigh. The Love Boat sails on Tuesday when Walter arrives. We will arrive in Raleigh near the end of the month. The puppies are coming with us, and they like Walter a lot. I've bought some neat fishing gear for us and plan for us to fish in Sioux Narrows on the way home. That should be quite a story. We are planning to rent a boat and the puppies will go out with us.
I'm really tired today and can't seem to find funny stuff to talk about. I'll reboot and will have more to say tomorrow. Bye for now.
It's great to be back in my home town of Naicam, Saskatchewan, Canada for homecoming weekend. This is a weekend event that happens every five years designed to bring all the people who have moved away back together. It starts today and is a weekend filled with a parade, many meals, entertainment, dances, fireworks etc. Oh yes, fireworks tonight... at least it's at the opposite end of town from where Monty & Riley will be. This small town of around 700 people will swell to the thousands this weekend (at least that's what has happened in the past). My sister Patty & her family arrive tonight from Calgary.
ReplyDeletel has managed to make himself useful here at my parent's house. My Mom swore there was nothing for him to fix but once he got here he found things that needed attention. A small job replacing a piece of siding has turned out to be a 2-day effort to remove some rotten boards etc. Al is at his best in situations like this! The whole "sitting around visiting" thing gets old pretty quickly with him.
I'm still on Raleigh time so was up at 5AM local time & just got back from taking the pups for a long walk. It gets lite here around 4:30 AM & doesn't get dark until around 10:30 PM.