We drove all day from Sioux Narrows, ON until we reached a small town on the south side of Lake Superior named Bessemer, Michigan. We found an okay place to stay named Alpine Campground. The lady that ran the place was a German ex-patriot. She lived in a house on the property and had a small office in one room. We checked in and she had her son guide us to the campsite in a golfcart. Guiding RVs to their site is somewhat customary as navigating a very large vehicle through an unknown campground can be very stressful especially near dark. The entire operation was nothing unusual except for the owner's son. Do you remember The Munsters? You know that comedy/satire program that aired in the 60s that showcased the lives of some "monsters" that lived with normal people. There was Herman, Lily, Grandpa, Marilyn, and the character that I want to point out, Eddie. Eddie kind of looked like a teenage wolfman/boy. The campground owner's son looked like Eddie Munster, and I am not kidding. This Eddie wasn't a teenager at all. He was 35-40 years old, looked like a werewolf, and lived in his mother's basement in a town in the middle of nowhere. If I were a screenwriter, this guy's was a movie waiting to happen. Oh, before I forget, there was a huge, old sign in front of the campground advertising the name of the campground and a "rider" that said "Drive Tru". What that rider should have said was "Drive Thru" which is a colloquialism referring to drive through campsites--so you don't have to disconnect your towed car. Wasn't Eddie smart enough to know that sign was incorrect? Kind of one of those things that makes me go hmm.
When we drove through the US customs, I was pleasantly surprised as they were nice to us. Two of them came inside (separately) The Love Boat to search for goodness knows what. But they did find my oranges and took them. I guess terrorists use oranges for something. I felt violated. Could somebody hold me? Yeah right.
Speaking of somebody holding me, on the way through Minnesota today, we drove on the Walter Mondale Highway which is Hwy 53. If you are not familiar with Walter Mondale don't be upset. In 1984, Mondale lost a presidential election to Ronald Reagan by only garnering electoral votes from Minnesota and DC. Good lord, why would Minnesota name a highway after this guy. We only drove on this highway for a short period of time, because I was getting nauseated just thinking that I was riding on something honoring that nitwit. I decide that if the road changed to Al Gore Highway I was going to stop The Love Boat and throw up. I'll bet you that the Walter Mondale Highway ended in a deadend like his career which would be befitting. Oh lord, I can't wait on the Nancy Perlosi Highway. It would have to be a highway with butt ugly scenery that goes in a direction that nobody wants to go . Good lord. Somebody hold me please.
Tomorrow, we leave for Chicago. I swear if I have to drive on The Rod Blagojevich Highway, I'll have an aneurysm. You know Blagojevich as the former governor that tried to sell B.O.'s (you know the person whose name is not allowed to be said in my presence) former senate seat. I'm sure Illinois is proud of that idiot too.
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