We left Sault Sainte Marie today and drove to Wawa, Ontario. No there are no towns named Wewe or Caca, and I have no idea where the name originated. In order to help you try to visualize where we are, try to think of Lake Superior as the face of a clock. Sault Sainte Marie would be at 5 o'clock and Wawa would be at about 3 o'clock.Our next stop day after tomorrow is Neys, Ontario which is at 12 o'clock. Now for you folks that attended UNC, Sault Sainte Marie has the big hand on the 12 and the little hand on the 5. I wont go any further because that might confuse them.
When we crossed over into Canada, I noticed a profound difference between the Canadian customs people and the US customs people. The Canadian custom agents were dressed like what a policeman would wear. They spoke nicely and joked around with me. They were truly pleasant to deal with. Not so with the US customs. They were harsh to speak with and were dressed in para-military dress. I had to go into the Canadian customs building for something that I needed and spoke to a customs agent there. She was a lady and was pleasant to talk with. I asked her why was there so much difference between the US and Canadian customs and she smiled and told me that there shouldn't be but there was. She said that she took her kids to a snow festival in Sault Sainte Marie (US portion) this past winter and when she got to the US customs, US customs decided to take her car apart. The agents that did it knew her and interrogated her in front of her children. She even showed the US agents her badge, and they did it anyway. Folks, something is wrong here. I'll bet you that she reciprocates the fun times with the US agents when they cross over the border into Canada.
We drove through some of the most rugged and beautiful country today. When we left Sault Sainte Marie (Canadian side) we left civilization. We drove for over 100 miles before seeing any kind of a building. The scenery was magnificent and the traffic was non-existent until we got to our campsite in Wawa and disconnected The Crapper (PT Cruiser toad) and went for a drive. Then the semi-trucks lined up to ride my back bumper. Of course that is always the case when we drive The Crapper-- bullies. Anyway, the shore line of Lake Superior in this area is really rocky, rough, and often steep. If you tried to dive off into the water (cannonballs naturally) from these cliffs, you would likely need a full body cast later. On second thought, your attempt at cliff diving would likely result in you smashing your head, knocking out all of your brains, and voting for more democrats.
The puppies are beginning to settle down and return to their puppy gypsy attitudes. Last night in Sault Saint Marie, there was a fireworks display near the campground. Monty thought he was back in Nam and his PTBSD got infinitely worse. Each time a firework burst occurred Monty would act like he saw Michael Jackson and whirl around and jump up on stuff. Riley would sense that Monty was upset and join in on the fun. Good times Yall.
Last night, before we left, we went to a drug store. A lady that worked there walked up to us and warmly greeted us. That is when it dawned on me that all the women here speak like Sarah Palin. You betcha. Now there is zero wrong with their accents or Sarah Palin for that matter, but it was fun to experience their accents in large quantities. Now a Southern boy like me is a real novelty up here. When I open my mouth people look at me like I'm from Mars (southern Mars that is). I guess the locals are too used to being here in Arctic temperatures where people spit out words fast so that the words don't freeze on their lips or something. Geez Louise. These people ought to quit watching the Deliverance movie. Maybe that is what they are thinking when I speak. They have this look like I'm straight out of that movie. Speaking of which, I saw this bumper sticker that read, "Paddle faster, I hear banjo music". I didn't know whether to laugh or be mad. You betcha.
I saw a road sign in Ohio or Michigan somewhere that read, " This highway dedicated to Catholic American War veterans. Gosh, I never knew the US went to war with the Catholics. I learn something knew everyday. In small print the sign said "you betcha".
I plan to post some photos soon. Tomorrow the low temperature is going to be 42 degrees if I heard Deb correctly.
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