I've noticed a new habit for my wife. I'm not sure how to accept it. In addition, I have noticed how Monty and Deb are very similar. In case you haven't kept up with my stupid blog, Monty and Riley are our 8 year old puppies. Monty will learn something new and retain it before you realize what happens, and so does my wife. Just so you don't have to read through all of my God awful prior posts, we were in Las Cruces, New Mexico earlier this year when Deb discovered Trailer Trash Jello. Yes that is the place with the pig heads in the Walmart cooler. Maybe you should go read that post, because it was quite funny. The puppies really enjoyed playing with the pigheads. Where was I? While we were perusing the pigheads in Las Cruces, NM, Deb discovered parfait Jello. Southerners know that mess as Jello with whipped cream swirled into it. We call it Trailer Trash Jello or at least that is what the heathens that used to call me a friend would say. So I put on my Dr. Phil glasses to exam this situation a month or so ago as Trailer Trash Jello consistently showed up in The Love Boat refrigerator each time we left port. Having lived with my lovely wife for nearly fifteen years, I know she is a creature of habit much as myself and more recognizably, Monty. Deb goes shopping for food for our trip, and she brings it back to the truck where Monty and Riley are waiting. Deb puts the groceries into the truck and Monty surely says to Deb, "Did you get Trailer Trash Jello?" since Monty never forgets anything. If you want to know where you left your car keys ask Monty.
Now Trailer Trash Jello isn't available in our local hoity toity groceries. No sir. It ain't available in this county. We have to go to Durham county to get Trailer Trash Jello. Monty and Riley would far prefer the pig heads to Trailer Trash Jello but beggars can't be choosers unless they are democrats (yes I didn't capitalize democrats). To make matters more complicated, it has to be sugar free Trailer Trash Jello. Do Yall know how hard it is to find Sugar Free Trailer Trash Jello? Well just ask Deb because it consistently shows up in the Love Boat's refrigerator. Now enquiring minds (no I didn't misspell it references a 80's era commercial) want to know does it show up in the Super Duper, Doubled Door, NASA, Energy Star rated, refrigerator that the democrats gave us a tax break to buy using debt which will likely be paid by our grandchildren ? Not hardly. Is your head spinning around like Linda Blair on Michael J. Fox's lap? I'll slow down the pace a little. Yes we bought this behemoth refrigerator for our house that has a control panel with buttons that does all kinds of stuff that we don't have time to read to try to understand what they mean. It has little picture things that makes sounds and cool lights and buzzers and stuff. But does it squirt out cold water? No, it surely has prostate problems as the water trickles out. But, more importantly, does it have Trailer Trash Jello? Nope. That delicacy is reserved for the mobile refrigerator. When in Rome do as the Roman do.
We leave for Canada in a couple weeks.
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