Christmas decorations at LBJ's ranch.
Quiz time. Do you know what that vehicle is beside The Love Boat? You might think it to be a bus. How about an RV or a delivery truck? Nope, nope, and nope. It is a prisoner transfer van. I saw the name on the side and realized it was owned by one of those private prison companies. Don't ask me how I knew the name but I did. The bus pulled beside us at Church's Chicken in SomewhereICantRemember, Texas. I must admit it did unnerve me some having convicts parked beside us. This photo proves The Love Boat docks in all waters.
We stopped at the Lyndon Baines Johnson ranch in Johnson City, TX, and I must admit that I never cared for LBJ. I guess that is why I didn't enjoy the tour of the grounds. I did find it neat being on the same ranch that I saw on TV as a child. However, I knew my father was spinning in his grave the entire time I was there. LBJ was a super liberal that was involved in earth shattering decisions while president. Vietnam and civil rights were at the top of the long list of troubles in which the US was involved. I must admit that I did hold LBJ's wife, Lady Bird Johnson, in high regards. Lady Bird was largely responsible for initiating the wildflower program that is coveted today along the interstate systems. She also was largely responsible for the head start program. However the smell of liberalism was overwhelming on the ranch. Having my father spinning like a propeller in his grave kind of set the tone for me.
While we were driving along HWY 290 trying to find the liberal Mecca, we got a true slice of "The Hill Country" as this part of Texas is known. The Hill Country is a gorgeous region of Texas with trees, grass, and rolling hills. It kind of reminds me of Raleigh. Among all of that beauty, I did notice something unusual. There were a disproportionate amount of Dairy Queens, vineyards. and deer processing shops. The Dairy Queens and vineyards I can understand. However, I thought the deer processing shops unusual until I found out why they are so numerous. In this region, there are numerous "sport" game "ranches" that have deer and other animals on estates that are fenced in. As I am told, the game is raised on the ranches and the game is confined to the ranch. The ranches are commercial enterprises that charge a fee for people to "hunt" this game. I remember seeing on the internet where there was one place that offered their internet clients a chance to shoot a deer virtually. Not virtually shooting the deer but shooting the deer virtually meaning the deer dies but the client kills it remotely. I find no sport in that.
I noticed something earlier in the day that made me go hmm. I saw a couple women with shorty shorts and cowboy boots at the different Loveboat dockings. Today's high was about 45 degrees F and shorts were a little unusual but shorty shorts with boots seemed a little odd. I guess it takes all kinds though. Maybe they have shorty short ranches here someplace and those women got out. It would not surprise me at all.
I like Austin. The people that I have met and came in contact with are nice and do totally random kind things like opening doors for strangers and are tolerant of lost people in traffic-- for the most part. Not to mention that I have always been a fan of the show Austin City Limits. Austin is a fairly large city but with a Southern flair. But don't listen to me, because I am biased. Folks here know how to return shopping carts to the shopping cart corrals too which helps prove my case. I'll shut up on the shopping cart thing in a few days like I did about chakras, hippies, vortexes (ggrrrr), dry washes, and other stuff.
Deb left this morning to return to Raleigh. Walter flies in tonight to replace her as navigator. I saw pig heads in HEB supermarket last night. It could be a double header Walter. We have about a week to go until we return to Raleigh.
Hogs and kittens,
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