Howdy partners from Fort Stockton, TX. This place was established in 1858 as an army fort to whoop up on the Indians. Three years later, thanks to the Civil War (or as we Southerners call it The War of Northern Aggression), the Texans started whooping up on the yankees. So, the yankees abandoned ship and in 1867 the yankees came back to whoop up on the Indians again. Twenty years later the Indians got tired of being whooped up on, and quit whooping up on the yankees. So the yankees had nothing to whoop up on, and they left to find somebody else to whoop up on. Then the Indians got casinos and started whooping up on all of us. That concludes our history lesson of Fort Stockton.
Before we left Los Cruces we had to go to "The Walmart". Deb said that I should get one of those pig heads and put it in our freezer to throw in bed with Walter next week. Maybe I got one and maybe I didn't get one. Walter will find out next week. While I was at "The Walmart" I noticed that the parking lot was full of shopping carts placed in parking spaces and not in the cart corral. I've noticed this behavior in several cities out west. This is not the case in most southern towns. Some moron pushed that cart all around the store then out to the parking lot but couldn't push it to the cart corral. There is something fundamentally wrong with a person like that. I guess they are concerned that their pig head will dethaw or something.
The drive today was really boring. Boring is not a good word to describe today. Today would have come and gone with little fanfare had we not stopped for lunch at Chuy's Mexican Restaurant in Van Horn, TX. This was a little roadside restaurant that had survived 50 years god only knows how. The lobby had photos of several famous people of which John Wayne was one that had visited Chuy's Restaurant. This place's claim to fame is that it is the All Madden Museum or rather a museum to John Madden. Yeah I said John Madden. It seems John Madden likes this yucky place. Well la de da. This place sucked. The food sucked. The bathrooms were dirty and sucked. This place sucked Madden style. What Einstein had the idea to have a museum to a moron like John Madden? Couldn't they pick a normal person like Pee Wee Herman, Rip Torn, or Phyllis Diller? But John Madden? My big ole hairy butt.
Monty is having trouble with the roads in Texas. Interstate 10 has reflectors glued to the outside lines and to the center line. So when you deviate a little off the road---brrrrap. When changing lanes, brrraaap. Monty does not like brraapps. After the fireworks last night and brrappping all day today he is a nervous wreck. Well he has to get over it. We are in Texas for at least two more driving days. He might need therapy when we get home. Poor puppy.
Deb flies out of Austin on Tuesday and Walter flies in on Tuesday. A pressing question is, did I buy a pig head for Walter to sleep with? We shall see next week Walter.
Bye for now pardners.
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