The Puppies got to visit Santa Claus tonight in Cathedral City (click on the photo to enlarge it). They were not sure at all about Santa but didn't raise too much cane because Deb bribed them or something. Riley is on the right posing and Monty is saying with his eyes, "Get this democrat off me". Really he is--look closely. Notice how The Puppies have laser beam eyes. They had those installed in Las Cruces. Actually, I didn't have time to run the photo through the photo changing software whatever it is called and make their laser beam eyes look normal. Let's just say that I don't usually take photos with laser beam eyes when I have a moment to adjust my camera properly. We were rushed to get through so some crackhead kids about 15 years old could ask Santa for parents who were not total idiots.
Well the Palm Springs International Film Festival is scheduled for next month and will be held a short distance from us. A bunch of movie stars are attending like Brad Pitt, Charlize Theron, Patton Oswalt, John Wayne, and Elvis. We likely will be on our way back to Raleighwood, but it might be fun to attend it and tell those people that I saw them on TV with their clothes off. Maybe I should have the Raleighwood Big Old Dumb Southern Boy International We Saw You on TV Naked Film Festival in Raleighwood. Shoot half of those nitwits wouldn't know the difference. Now wouldn't that be a hoot? If we stay here long enough to see this festival, let it be known that none of these celebrity folks can stay with us, because The Love Boat's expressed rule is cocktail for six. dinner for four, and sleeps two. I don't care how many times I saw them on TV with their clothes off, rules are rules. The Puppies would like to see some famous dogs, but I'm told Rosie O'Donnell wasn't invited--too bad Puppies. Good Lord, don't get me started talking about that big ole round democrat.
Speaking again of the Puppies, maybe some of the celebrities will be in town with their puppies. There is a dog park in Palm Springs that is famous for having celebrities that bring their ankle biters to run around. Monty and Riley are always looking to sniff new dog butt especially celebrity ankle biter dog butt. Monty might like to have bragging rights that he humped Brad Pitt's poodle. Now Brad Pitt might not like it but Monty dern sure would. Maybe we will go to the doggie park tomorrow and let The Wieners play redneck puppies in a California dog park. They have played that a few times and like playing that game. You can dress The Puppies up but you can't take them out in public. If Rosie O'Donnell brought her dog by, The Puppies and myself would take turns peeing on her leg.
I was going to talk about the "all about me" knuckleheads that are so plentiful in California, but I think I will wait until next time.
Surf's up dudes.
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