Friday, March 18, 2011

Indian Restaurant, Washlet

Deb and I don't always agree on restaurants.  Golden Corral is a buffet style restaurant that I like with a really nice and huge salad bar and has an okay but huge, hot food bar. I like the salad bar and not the hot bar part so much. Deb hates them both. When Deb drags me to a restaurant that I find despicable, it costs her one trip to Golden Corral. It ain't negotiable. We both worked late yesterday and decided to go out to eat.  Deb had already decided the restaurant which was a Greek restaurant whose name shall remain anonymous. She had diplomatically declared I was along for the ride and to sit down, shut up, and hold on.. This restaurant is ten minutes from home, and we have been there a time or two. Dinner was around $50 which isn't crippling but rather pricey. The food  last night didn't taste like butt but was a Greeked up version of spaghetti and $50 for spaghetti is a little pricey. Deb liked it, and I sort of liked it, but it didn't cost her a Golden Corral token.  So tonight we both worked late again, and  yet again Deb picked another restaurant that we have tried at a time or two in the past, and each time she had to drag me to it. The place is a vegetarian, Indian restaurant. I would rather have a blind man give me a vasectomy than eat at this restaurant, but I agreed to go tonight. Because it is vegetarian and Indian restaurant,  the food is hot enough to melt the polar ice caps to cover up the lack of meat.  Regardless of what you order from this place, it has chickpeas, tons of onions, curry, and varying degrees but liberal amounts of hot spices. Deb had some coupon that required her to get four different things for dinner. So, she ordered four of her favorite dishes and let's see how do I describe them? Well the first dish had yogurt or something in it and tasted like hot butt. The second dish had a pancake or somesuch in it and tasted like flaming pancake butt.  The third dish had what looked like rice crispies in it and tasted like intensely hot rice krispie butt.  The final one, my personal favorite, looked like a onion sub sandwich and tasted like nuclear meltdown butt.  Holy guacamole that dinner sucked and worse yet was excruciatingly hot.  After "dinner" we went to the car and started for home, and my breath was hot enough to melt paint off parked cars. Directly across the street from the Indian House of Pain was an independent, old style ice cream parlor.  So, I decided that I would gets something cold to cover the plutonium rods that I ate for dinner from the Yuck-o-mat Ice Cream Parlor across from the Indian House of Pain. So, I ordered a chocolate "freeze" which resembled a milkshake but tasted like chocolate icey butt. In all honesty  I was grateful that Chocolate Butt Shake was cold and kept helicopters and fire cannons from shooting water into my mouth to cover the Indian nuclear meltdown.  Dinner tonight cost Deb nineteen Golden Corrals. It ain't negotiable. 

I've had a couple people comment on the number of toilet pictures that I posted recently. No, I do not have an obsession with toilets. What I was trying to convey and did so poorly was how the hotels and airports had Toto Washlet Toilet Seats installed. I have a plumbing license and was familiar with washlet toilets prior to our travels in Asia. I found an interesting Wikipedia article that stated 72% of Japanese households have Toto Washlet Toilet Seats. Go figure. Here is the fascinating Wikipedia link:  The link mentions the lack of hand drying towels which basically is true for every public bathroom. A few bathrooms had hand dryer blowers but most did not. Westerners just used their pants to dry their hands.   In China and occasionally in Japan, toilet paper in public bathrooms was extremely rare.  So ladies, if you visit China, don't pee on your shoes, don't whine or tell us about it if you do,but do carry toilet paper with you, and do wash your hands then wipe your hands on your pants. Remember you heard it here first.

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