I was talking to an army buddy of mine a couple days ago. Actually, I speak to him a couple times each week, but this one conversation was significant . He told me about a family picnic that his family is planning for the near future in which everybody brings their favorite food. He said he was planning to make Circus Peanut Salad which has the main ingredient being that god awful candy, Circus Peanuts. I was taken aback. Circus Peanuts is a super sweet candy that is a chewy marshmellow like orange blob. I keep a couple in my tool box to plug sewer lines when I have to remove toilets. So I made the mistake of mentioning what my army buddy said to Deb after I found out the recipe to make it. I had to work this past weekend, and she made it while I was working. I wasn't around all weekend so I couldn't protest. This salad has Jello, pineapples, and for heaven sakes, Cool whip. In a funny Youtube video that we saw of a guy (dressed as a trailer park queen) making this monstrosity, he added the Circus Peanuts to the cooking Jello solution. The Circus Peanuts made the mixture rise up in the pan like it was alive. Nasty. Deb made this mess and put it into the refrigerator. I tried it after it harden into a Jelloy, orange, pineapple mess. Deb liked it or said she did. She lost a little credibility when she said she liked it. Good Lord, who was the idiot that said, "Let's put some of these candies that we don't eat into Jello and add some Cool Whip so noone tastes the Circus Peanuts. We won't eat these things, so let's make a salad out of them and take it to the Baptist picnic to get rid of them". What really disturbs me is that my army buddy actually wanted to make this "salad" and serve it to his family. What did his family ever do to him to inflict that level of mass punishment onto them? Sometimes we find out things about our friends that really disturbs us, don't we?
I was vacuuming tonight in preparation for visitors tomorrow, and guess what I found stuck to the hardwood on the stairs? No, it wasn't a clue that the democrats lost because the democrats don't have a clue. Ah ha, I got in my democrat joke early. I'm so talented. Anyway, if you guessed some of the taffy from that bag of taffy that the puppies ate, you would be correct. The stairs are twenty feet from the bedroom where the chewy carnage actually occurred, so I guess the puppies tracked it through the house and licked up their footprints before we got home and missed a spot--kind of like one of those robot vacuums except more like a puppy taffy bot. I still giggle over the thought of them chewing that bag of taffy.
So, I am preparing to order a couple special lights for our Christmas display. As you might know, our Christmas display is computer controlled and synchronized to music. I believe it is a form of art and not one of those tacky, flashing displays that you have seen on the internet. The lights that I want to buy are a little pricey and have kept me from ordering them which actually means Deb said no up to a couple days ago. I had an ace up my sleeve when we again discussed me ordering them. My mother-in -law sent me a check for my birthday that covered a sizable portion of the cost. When I spoke to Deb about ordering them, she looked at me like I told her I was going to vote for BO (the person whose name is not mentioned in our house) or something. Then I told her that her mother made it possible and Deb gave in. Deb loves the display too, and she can thank her own mother for forcing her to say yes this year. Sometimes life is good. He shoots, he scores and the crowd goes wild. The Christmas display this year will be outstanding as the music selections are amazing. I'm not sure how I will improve on it for next year but this year will be memorable. I guarantee it. I was in Sam Ash (musician's store) today and saw more lights that I want, but I don't plan on pushing my luck by asking for more lights this year. I have an entire year to whine that I want them. By the way, I will have close to 75,000 lights this year and that is a conservative estimate, and yes I am a Conservative. If you don't understand how many lights that is, a single strand of mini lights for your Christmas tree has 100 lights on a strand which means that I will have the equivalent of 750 strands of lights. It is a little more complicated than stating strands of lights. I feel our Christmas display is a shimmering beacon in the darkness of disparity of our nation until the democrats are out of power in our country. I had to get in one more democrat jab before I signed off.
See Yall later.
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