Today is Tuesday, Nov 24, 2009. We arrived in Branson about dark last night. The last 30 miles of interstate made me pay for the first part of easier roads of the morning. The last part had roads that didn't spiral around a mountain but went straight up and down. I was worried on several of the mountains that the motorhome would not make the climb but it did--at 10 mph. I missed not having that Allison Transmission in my truck with the grade braking.
The campground in Branson is next to a river and is nice but for the life of me I don't know why this place is sooooo highly rated. The campground is called Cooper Creek. Deb was on the phone when we pulled in so I registered us at the office.. The campground office guy was not people friendly. He had a paper reservation system too. I say again, I don't get the attraction of this place. We are about 2 miles from the theater strip.
Last night we went into town for the "Trail of Christmas Lights" last night. It was lame. It should be called the "Trail of Fleecing You Out of Twenty Dollars".The trail is on the Shepherd of the Hills property or thereabouts. It had the road/trail lined in minilights and a few other things too but that was about it. They did have a bunch of mannequins in little outbuildings along the trail. Evidently they use the same trail for other holidays. Like the 4th of July which that display became a Christmas display by putting holly and pine cones on some of the stuff. They had a dinosaur display too that became a Christmas display by putting Santa hats on the dinosaurs. It took me 500 feet into the 2 1/2 mile trail to determine that it was not what I expected. To further make matters worse a car in front of us had to stop and gawk at each and every thing they passed lengthening my misery. Of course there were no provisions to go around the guy so I had to gawk at each and every display with him. What was tremendously funny was a girl about 17 years old came riding by on the trail on a miniature horse. Don't ask me why she was out there and why she was on a midget horse but she was. We had the rear windows partially down so the puppies could stick their heads out. Well, when the girl rode past our car the puppies were waiting for her and barked themselves silly at her through the open window. She passed about 3 feet or less from the car.. Of course the pony picked up speed and disappeared into the darkness. The puppies had a blast barking at her. Both puppies would sniff and gawk at the animated, sort of real looking reindeers that we passed. They knew the stuff wasn't real because they didn't bark at it. They do know a midget horse when they see one. Riley was bored and wanted to jump out and pee on the stuff. After 500 ft of the trail, I wanted to join him.
We have 3rd row center tickets for Andy Williams Christmas show. It is a variety show and should be good. It has good reviews. There are a couple shows here that remind me of Cluck Cluck Boy at the World's Most Stupidest Christmas Show in Refro Valley,KY where some guy dressed in a chicken suit and clucked We Wish You a Merry Christmas. You know the same type of slap-stick, mindless, stick a pencil in my eye to make me not notice the humor, kind of show. Of course the "family show" people line up for the fleecing at that type of show. I think it is great because it keeps them out of the good shows.
The PT Crapper is doing great now after the last few days of problems. The demons that possessed it earlier in the trip fell off when I went over that death defying, ultra narrow bridge over the Ohio River. At least now I suspect they did, but at the time I was too busy trying to find the best place to crash the motorhome.
Yesterday before we left Popular Bluff, MO yesterday I went online to buy the Andy Williams tickets. The guy was a Chatty Cathy kind of guy and asked me how we were coming to town. I said HWY 65 till HWY 160 then 160 into town. He said that 160 was amazingly curvy and did not recommend driving the Love Boat over that road. So, I adjusted the path around HWY 160 which took another 65 miles. When we got to Branson I spoke to a local about the roller coaster ride for the last 30 minutes on the interstate and she said "...oh that is nothing compared to HWY 160."So today we are taking the Crapper to HWY 160 to see what was so bad..
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